I'm Nieliza, a Comp. Sci. student. In this page I’m just defining what Internet marketing is. What is the importance of this? Strategies and Advantages of having a website where you sell products and services through online. Hope you enjoy reading my article. See yah!!
Internet Marketing is also known as online marketing. Sell products and services using Internet.
Internet Marketing includes creativity like designing and advertising. As for now, it is the best way to earn. There are so many ways to sell your products like using Twitter and Face book. All products and services sell through store or shop can be sold also through online Internet marketing. Sometimes you earn more from the Internet than the actual shop. These past few years, the online marketing has grown rapidly because of some people notice the value of Internet and how to earn money from it.
The importance of Internet marketing is that as important as of Internet. Most company have a site where they try to sell their products instead of manual shop...